
The federal sociological survey conducted in March 2017 about the attitude of Russians to surrogacy showed that 73% of respondents do not see sense in the legislative ban of surrogacy in order that married couple who wants to address to this procedure cannot give a birth to a baby because of their health reasons. Opinions were shared, and 27% of the respondents who got to selection categorically consider that surrogacy is morally unacceptably both on commercial and on a voluntary basis.

Participants of poll expressed also the opinion on cases when after surrogacy a biological mother wishes to keep the baby. So, 51% of respondents specified that she has the right for it, and this right cannot challenge even court. However 18% are sure that both with moral, and from legal side the baby has to be transferred to married couple who acted as the initiator of the surrogacy procedure. But and 31% of respondents refrained from the answer to this question and from further comments.

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Most of Russians consider acceptable of IVF method for the child’s conception and are quite informed on opportunities of such way. It is said in results of poll of the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (ARPORC) devoted to the attitude of Russians to artificial fertilization.

“97% of Russians know about this method. Among them the majority was heard about such possibility of conception (79%), another 17% told that their acquaintances used IVF, 1% of respondents used such method of fertilization. Russians consider conception of the child by artificial fertilization rather acceptable (88%). 8% of respondents have opposite opinion” – according the results of a research.

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Infertility is in most cases a basic reason why do people address for the help of surrogate mothers. We often heard stories with the beautiful final from biological parents, the staff of the surrogacy centers, reproductive clinics etc, but we know a little about another side of this coin where there is a fraud, blackmail, deception and simply unfair relations. In this article we would like to shed a little light on a dark side and to share with readers as the real stories which happened with surrogate mothers and intended parents and to show methods of “work” of some unfair participants of the market. Unfortunately, reproductive clinics and the surrogacy centers in a pursuit of big profit do not care for security and guarantees for surrogate mothers and intended parents at all. In the justification they complain about imperfection of the legislation, corruption etc, explaining the passivity in a creative part of the solution of these problems. Also it is necessary to tell that there are many centers of surrogacy which could be categorized to fraud. We simply have not heard about many cases of deception by the surrogacy centers, surrogate mothers only for the reason that surrogate mothers do not know where and whom they should address in case of deception, also there are cases when surrogate mothers are intimidated by any threats in order they not to make public the deception facts. We sincerely hope that people who faced similar cases will not be silent and we guarantee to all who is ready to share with us “experience” — to make public via Internet media.

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The first Russian clinic NGC will open on January 21, 2018 in Beijing. “The new Beijing Company of health care” hopes that collaboration of St. Petersburg center of reproductive technologies and Hong Kong specialists will be successful.

Reportedly, “The new Beijing company of health care” hopes that high-quality medical care will appear in eight economic zones: the NGC branch in Shenzhen will give support before provision of services in process and later. In a northern part of China the first office of clinic will appear in January, 2018 in Beijing, in other regions the centers of reproductive technologies have to open within two years. These actions contribute to the development and optimization of the industry will bring closer the level of medical care in China to the international standards and will allow to provide clients the high-quality, transparent and standardized services.

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According to the scale of surrogate motherhood, Russia for the past fifteen years has reached the world level and ranks in one row, for example, with the United States. However, despite the hype as for this way of having children and great public interest, infertile couples choose this path very rarely, mainly due to the price being too high. As a rule, public interest in this topic is manifested in cases when stars of show business are addressing to the services of surrogate mothers.

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What it is necessary to know about surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine? What legislative acts regulate this sphere? According these questions we prepared the answer in our article.
The program of surrogate motherhood represents reproductive technology by means of which it is possible to gift humanity with own progeny even in the presence of the certain diseases doing this process almost impossible. In Russia surrogacy is authorized the law and is regulated by such normative legal acts as:

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This article is devoted to the important problem of the deterioration of the reproductive health of Russians, which determines the health of the progeny and the viability of generations, as well as significantly affecting the size of the birth rate. Statistical indicators of the use of contraception among women of reproductive age, the spread of artificial abortion operations, statistics of primary and secondary infertility were studied. The data of the Public Opinion Foundation on the problem of childless marriages and the reproductive rights of citizens are given. The results of the practice of assisted reproductive technology (ART), such as In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), surrogate motherhood, etc. in medical research centers are shown. The importance of state support of these technologies and liberalization of legal regulation of the implementation of the desire to become parents as the most important tool of demographic policy is emphasized. The article raises issues of increasing the social significance of family planning and sex education, the formation of family and moral values ​​in youth, a healthy lifestyle, responsible motherhood and fatherhood.

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About “a demographic hole of the 90th”, unprecedented on scales, which Russia will face till 2020, and about by what methods it is possible to change a situation and to increase birth rate in the country next years, in the lecture on tell authors of a number of works on demography studying of Russia Andrey Korotayev, Darya Halturina and Yulia Zinkina.

(This text is written in cooperation with Yulia Zinkina — the candidate of historical sciences, the research associate of Institute of Oriental studies of RAS).

Next years Russia will face consequences of catastrophic recession of birth rate of the end of the 1980th — the beginnings of the 1990th years (i.e. consequences of a so-called “demographic hole of the 90th”). It is necessary to emphasize that we deal here with a demographic hole, absolutely unprecedented on scales, which Russia had not to face yet.

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Surrogate motherhood is gaining ground in the world and is at the peak of relevance in modern society. According to statistics, in the late 70s of XX century the number of infertile couples in the world was 5%. Today, this figure is 10–15% in negotiability and reaches 18–20%, and according to some data, up to 30%, taking into account active detection, while already 15% is evidence that the problem has acquired national importance (by definition WHO). In Russia, infertility of married couples is about 15 – 20%. To date, more than 4 million children have been born using assisted reproductive technology methods. Of course, the attitude to this issue is far from unequivocal. Supporters believe that surrogate motherhood gives a chance to those families who are already completely desperate to have their own child. Opponents believe that surrogate motherhood turns children into a commodity, and motherhood becomes paid work. Nevertheless, in this article we set ourselves the goal to dwell in greater detail on the legal aspects of this issue. In most foreign countries, surrogacy is prohibited or restricted. This confirms the fact that the draft resolution on the legislative establishment of the practice of surrogate motherhood was rejected by a majority vote of the members of the Council of Europe Committee on Social Issues, Health and Family Relations.

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