
Infertility affects men and women equally. In couples experiencing infertility, approximately 35% is due to male factors, 35% is due to female factors, 20% of cases have a combination of both male and female factors, and the last 10% are unexplained causes.

For this reason, it is imperative that both the male and female are evaluated during the infertility work-up. For males this is a basic semen analysis, but may also include blood work to check hormone levels, chromosome analysis, and genetic screenings.

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Embryo transfer is a simple, painless procedure that based on placing an embryo or embryos (maximum 3 pcs.) in the mother’s uterus (surrogate mother). Very often, embryo transfer is carried out with an almost full bladder. This is necessary for more accurate control of the process by ultrasound.
IVF procedures are accompanied by hormone therapy, which can cause signs of pregnancy, even if the pregnancy might not even happen.

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At the international ESHRE conference in Barcelona (Spain) data according to which Israel takes the first place by the number of the babies who were born as a result of extracorporal (artificial) fertilization in the ratio to the number of the population were provided.
4.3% of all babies in the country are born in the result of IVF procedure.
On average in Israel 30,000 procedures of extracorporal fertilization therefore about 7000 babies are born annually. During 2000-2013 about 60,000 babies “from a test tube” were born.

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On July 25, 1978 Louise Brown — the first baby in the world conceived by IVF method was born.
Since then on July 25 the World Embryologist Day is celebrated.
The first successful IVF was made by scientists from Great Britain — Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptou. In Russia the first baby who conceived by IVF was born on February 7, 1986.
In 1992 for the first time with success ICSI method was applied (a spermatozoid injection in oocyte cytoplasm).
During forty years of auxiliary reproductive technologies use more than eight million babies were born. Now in the world about two million cycles of IVF and IVF-ICSI annually are carried out. Every year ART methods become more and more perfect. The efficiency of IVF in the leading clinics of a reproduction is over 60%.

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Such information was published by the British Management concerning fertilization and embryology of the person (HFEA).
From 1991 to 2015 17 donors of sperm became fathers not less than 30 children. From 20 to 29 children were born in 104 donors, and from 10 to 19 children were born in1557. More than 6000 donors became fathers of nine children.
According to HFEA rules, donors have no right to give genetic material in mor than ten families (who can use sperm of one donor repeatedly). However there is always a chance that descendants of one donor will decide to start a family, without knowing about the relationship. Experts are afraid that it will increase risk of defective genes transfer.

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Women who postpone pregnancy at a later date are seriously at risk of becoming childless, over-evaluating their abilities and possibilities of modern medicine and partly under the influence of propaganda. The assurance that it is possible to have a child even after 41 years is based on full ignorance.

More women in countries with relatively high per capita incomes and a relatively developed health care system do not understand the possible consequences of their decision to postpone pregnancy and believe that existing assisted reproductive technology is able to reverse the age-related changes in reproductive function, the authors of the analytical report say in Yale University, the results of which publishes magazine Fertility and Sterility.

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This article is devoted to the important problem of the deterioration of the reproductive health of Russians, which determines the health of the progeny and the viability of generations, as well as significantly affecting the size of the birth rate. Statistical indicators of the use of contraception among women of reproductive age, the spread of artificial abortion operations, statistics of primary and secondary infertility were studied. The data of the Public Opinion Foundation on the problem of childless marriages and the reproductive rights of citizens are given. The results of the practice of assisted reproductive technology (ART), such as In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), surrogate motherhood, etc. in medical research centers are shown. The importance of state support of these technologies and liberalization of legal regulation of the implementation of the desire to become parents as the most important tool of demographic policy is emphasized. The article raises issues of increasing the social significance of family planning and sex education, the formation of family and moral values ​​in youth, a healthy lifestyle, responsible motherhood and fatherhood.

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