According to statistical data, annually the number of the women having low chances successfully to become pregnant and give birth (in particular, after carrying out the program of extracorporal fertilization) are growing.
We invite all interested on the free webinar devoted to problems of overcoming infertility by the IVF method for patients with the bad forecast.
The online seminar prepared by Nova Сlinik will take place on September 18 at 16-00. The head on scientific network functioning of a reproduction and genetics centers, the doctor gynecologist- IVF. Specialist, the candidate of medical sciences I.V. Zorina who will in detail take up the questions connected with tactics of maintaining such patients will hold it.
It should be noted that women with the bad forecast are patients who have:
- decrease in an ovarian reserve (regardless of age);
- carrying out several programs of extracorporal fertilization embryos at a stage of a blastocyste were formed less than in 50% of cases;
- there were unsuccessful implantations.
Increase in efficiency of treatment in such cases always assumes individual approach as use of standard schemes cannot yield a positive take.
Having registered in a webinar, you will be able not only to listen to a lecture, but also to receive answers to the questions connected with the discussed problem.
For receiving record of a webinar you can leave the application for the e-mail address: