Code of Ethics

* The Code of Ethics is drafted taking into account practical recommendations of Transparency International (TI) and The World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO)


Updated in August 2018


The purpose of this Code is to establish ethical standards, rules of professional behavior and relationships between employees and volunteers of Assisted Reproductive Technology Participants Support Center (ARTPSC or Organization) for performance of job responsibilities, volunteer work and maintenance of Organization reputation.

1. General provisions.
1.1. The Code is a set of general principles of professional ethics and basic rules of behavior that should be followed by employees and volunteers of the Organization, regardless of their positions or work.

1.2. Each employee and volunteer of the Organization is obliged to familiarize himself with the provisions of the Code and to comply with them in the course of work.

1.3. Knowledge and compliance, by employees and volunteers of the Organization, with the provisions of the Code is a criterion for assessing the quality of professional activity and official behavior.

2. Relationship of Organization with the employees and volunteers.
2.1. The Organization builds the relations with the employees and volunteers on the principle of long-term cooperation, mutual respect and strict execution of mutual obligation.

2.2. The Organization does not allow, in relation to employees and volunteers, for any manifestation of discrimination on political, religious, national or other similar grounds, in regard to employment, compensation, or promotion.

2.3. The Organization takes the measures directed toward health protection, work and safety of employees and volunteers.  The  Organization creates all necessary conditions for professional growth and increase in social well-being of the employee.

2.4. Each employee and volunteer bears responsibility to respect the ethical standards of his behavior. Observance of the present Code of ethics and office behavior is obligatory for all employees and volunteers of the Organization. The present Code is the internal document of the Organization, and disregard for its provisions warrant disciplinary action.

3. Fundamental obligations, principles and rules of office behavior of employees.
3.1. The employee is obliged:
– to honestly fulfill the labor duties assigned by the employment contract;
– to follow employment policies and procedures;
– to observe labor discipline;
– to carry out the established norms of work;
– to observe requirements for labor protection and safety of work;
– to make thrifty use of property of the employer (including of the property of third parties if the employer bears responsibility for safety of this property) and other workers;
– to immediately report to the employer or his direct supervisor about the emergence of a situation posing a threat of life or human health, safety of property of the employer (including the property of third parties if the employer bears responsibility for safety of this property).

3.2 The basic principles of employee and volunteer office behavior are a basis for remaining in a labor relationship with Organization.

Employees and volunteers, understanding their responsibility to citizens, society and the state, are called:
– to ensure effective functioning of the Organization regarding the purpose of his activity;
– to carry out the activity within the purpose of activity for the Organization;
– to give no preference to any professional or social group or organization, to be independent of influence from certain citizens, professional, social group or organization;
– to exclude the actions connected with influence of any personal, property, financial, or other interests interfering with the conscientious execution of his functions;
– to observe an impartial exclusion for all possible influence on professional activity of decisions from political parties or public associations;
– to respect the rules of professional ethics and business behavior;
– to show correctness and attentiveness in treatment of citizens and officials;
– to show tolerance and respect for customs and traditions of the people of Russia and other states, to consider cultural and other features of various ethnic, social groups and faiths, to promote interethnic and interfaith concord;
– to abstain from behavior which could raise doubts in conscientious execution by the employee of functions and also avoid conflict situations capable of causing damage to the reputation and authority the Organization;
– to take the measures for prevention of the emergence of any conflict of interest or settlement arising from cases of conflict of interest provided by the legislation of Russia;
– not to use official capacity for rendering influence on activity of public authorities, local governments, organizations, officials or citizens involving questions of personal character;
– to refrain from public statements, judgments and estimates concerning activity of the Organization or his superior, if this act does not belong to the function of the employee;
– to follow the established rules for providing office information and public statements;
– to treat with respect activities of representatives of mass media for informing society on work of the Organization, and also to provide aid in obtaining reliable information in accordance with the established procedure;
– to seek constantly for providing as much as possible effective order among the resources which are in the sphere of his responsibility;
– to show honesty, impartiality and justice at execution of functions, not to allow corruption, dangerous behavior (behavior which could be perceived as a promise or offer surrounding bribery or as an opportunity to commit other corruption offense).

3.3. For the purpose of anti-corruption to the employee or the volunteer is recommended:
– to notify the employer, bodies of prosecutor’s office, or law enforcement agencies concerning all cases of the address to the employee of any persons for the purpose of inducement to commit corruption offense;
– not to earn, in connection with execution of functions, a reward from natural and legal entities (gifts, rewards, loans, services of material character, payment for entertainment, rest, use of transport or other remuneration);
– to take measures for prevention of emergence of a conflict of interest (including the settlement of cases arising from a conflict of interest), not to allow the execution of his functions for personal interest which brings on or could lead to a conflict of interest, and to notify his direct supervisor of the arisen conflict of interest or the possibility of its emergence as soon as he knows of it.

3.4. The employee or the volunteer may process and report office information respecting the norms and requirements accepted according to the legislation of Russia operating on the Organization.

The employee or volunteer is obliged to take the appropriate measures on safety and confidentiality of information for which unauthorized disclosure he bears responsibility or (and) which became known to it in connection with execution of functions by him.

3.5. The employee or volunteer given organizational and administrative authority in relation to other employees or volunteers must try to be an example of professionalism, faultless reputation.  He must promote the formation within the Organization or its division a moral and psychological climate favorable for effective work.

3.6. The employee or volunteer given organizational and administrative authority in relation to other employees or volunteers is required:
– to take measures for prevention and regulation of conflicting interests;
– to take measures for prevention of corruption;
– to take measures so that subordinate employees or volunteers would disallow corrupting or dangerous behavior. His personal behavior is to set an example to honesty, impartiality and justice;
– not to permit compulsory participation, for employees or volunteers, in any activity of political parties and public associations.

The employee or the volunteer given organizational and administrative authority in relation to other employees or volunteers bears responsibility according to the legislation of Russia for action or inaction of the employees or volunteers subordinated to him for breaking the principles of ethics and the rule of office behavior if he did not take measures for prevention of such actions or inaction.

4. Recommended ethical rules of employees and volunteers office behavior.
4.1. Behavior of the employee or volunteer needs to proceed from the constitutional regulations that that person.  His rights and freedoms are the supreme value, and each citizen has the right to personal privacy, a personal and family secret, protection of honor, advantage, the reputation.

4.2. The employee and volunteer abstains from:

– any kind of statements and actions of discriminatory character on the bases of sex, sexual orientation, age, race, nationality, language, nationality, social, property or marital status, political or religious preferences;
– roughnesses, manifestations of scornful tone, arrogance, prejudiced remarks, presentation of illegal, undeserved charges;
– threats, the abusive terms or remarks, actions interfering normal communication or provoking illegal behavior;
– acceptances of food, smoking during the office meetings, conversations, other office communication with citizens.

4.3. Employees and volunteers are called to promote behavior that will establish a collective of business relationship and constructive cooperation with each other.

Employees and volunteers must be polite, benevolent, correct, attentive and show tolerance in communication with citizens and colleagues.

4.4. The employee and volunteer executing his functions  should not be defiant or negligent.  Depending on work condition and format, he must promote citizens’ respect for the Organization.  He must adhere to the standard for official style that displays professionalism, restraint, traditional character, and accuracy.

5. To persons considering the Organization it is forbidden:
– to accept gifts in any form, including payment for rest, entertainment, credits or loans in any sum, from any organization, institute or natural person if their acceptance could lead to rendering influence on activity of the Organization in any form;
– to place on the Organization any information containing advertising except advertising of activity, events, projects etc. of non-profit organizations;
– to place any recommendation on the Organization which could have the hidden character of advertising.

6. Contravention of the provisions of the Code and Ethics Commission.

6.1. Each contravention of provisions of this code is subject to consideration at a meeting of the Ethics Commission.

6.2. The Ethics Commission – permanent body which can be called at the request of one of the founders, the head or the member of the General meeting of Assisted Reproductive Technology Participants Support Center in case of a subject for consideration.

6.3. In case of interest of one of the members of the commission on ethics in the case considered by the Commission, this member of the commission has to be one-time debarred from consideration of a question.

6.4. Including appointment procedure of members of the commission, Organization defines the structure of the Commission proceeding from the human resources which are available on request.

Wherever you go, go with all your heart