
Dear Friends!
Today is that day when we got the official legal status. We officially registered the non-profitable organization “Assisted Reproductive Technology Participants Support Center” in Russia and Ukraine. For more than year of existence of our blog, we got much from our readers of support words that finally inspired us to create a non-profit organization which main goal is the interests of intended parents, surrogate mothers and other participants of programs of auxiliary reproductive technologies. For this purpose we created this website which on our idea has to become the effective tool for the solution of our common problems. We are a small group of enthusiasts (public figures, journalists, programmers, physicians, lawyers) ready to make the efforts and to change the existing unsatisfactory order of things in this sphere. We have a number of the ideas which have to set other vector of industry development, more transparent and protected for its participants. At the same time we call on all to join us. Remember, “A travel of one thousand miles begins with the first step”.

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Most of Russians consider acceptable of IVF method for the child’s conception and are quite informed on opportunities of such way. It is said in results of poll of the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (ARPORC) devoted to the attitude of Russians to artificial fertilization.

“97% of Russians know about this method. Among them the majority was heard about such possibility of conception (79%), another 17% told that their acquaintances used IVF, 1% of respondents used such method of fertilization. Russians consider conception of the child by artificial fertilization rather acceptable (88%). 8% of respondents have opposite opinion” – according the results of a research.

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On July 25, 1978 Louise Brown — the first baby in the world conceived by IVF method was born.
Since then on July 25 the World Embryologist Day is celebrated.
The first successful IVF was made by scientists from Great Britain — Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptou. In Russia the first baby who conceived by IVF was born on February 7, 1986.
In 1992 for the first time with success ICSI method was applied (a spermatozoid injection in oocyte cytoplasm).
During forty years of auxiliary reproductive technologies use more than eight million babies were born. Now in the world about two million cycles of IVF and IVF-ICSI annually are carried out. Every year ART methods become more and more perfect. The efficiency of IVF in the leading clinics of a reproduction is over 60%.

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Amendments to the relevant law are adopted in the third, outcome reading.
Before the current law allowed using technology of surrogacy only to heterosexual married couples and in the presence of medical indications (if the woman cannot carry out and give birth to the baby by herself).
Now unmarried women, but also in the presence of the medical indications also can address the help to surrogate mother.

“After long and extremely heated discussion, having sustained all objections, the plenum of the Knesset claimed in the third, outcome reading the amendment to “The law on surrogacy” — such message was made by the parliamentary press service. Voted pro 59 deputies, contra — 52.

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As we reported earlier, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine suspects the known Kiev clinic of a reproduction BioTexCom of commission of a number of serious crimes such as: forgery, human trafficking and evasion of taxes. In turn in 3 days after the sensational events one of co-owners of clinic of a reproduction BioTexCom Albert Tochilovski said that the real purpose of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine is raider occupation of BioTexCom clinic and it does not exclude that in the nearest future the clinic will carry over some son of the official from prosecutor’s office. Albert Tochilovski’s statement for cases of raider capture of private business in Ukraine through the Prosecutor General’s Office not news. Unfortunately such “practice” is alive in Ukraine and we often hear in media and numerous Internet media about pressure cases from the Prosecutor General’s Office on private business. We should remember also that on corruption level Ukraine won in 2017 first place among 41 European countries and since then nothing changed. Knowing this fact, we of course assume that mister Tochilovski of the rights and the only reason of “attack” on its clinic this desire to take away their successful business from lawful owners. But there is one detail in this case which mister Tochilovski held back. We can accuse as much as necessary the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine of corruption, but whether we have sufficient bases to accuse of corruption the Italian law enforcement agencies thanks to which and it became known of this case? It is already proved by the Italian law enforcement authorities that documents were forged, and the children born in Ukraine by surrogate mother have no biological communication with one of Italian parents. The management of BioTexCom clinic was expressed earlier the intention to make own internal investigation in “the Italian case”, but on the date of writing this article of any information from them it was not obtained yet.

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Yesterday in many leading Ukrainian media information that the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine suspects Kiev clinic of a reproduction BioTexCom for trafficking children and forgery appeared. The Attorney-General of Ukraine Yuryi Lutsenko at the briefing which is specially organized for this purpose reported about it. The Attorney-General reported that the BioTexCom company forged documents and gave to customers biologically not their children. Let’s remind that according to the legislation of Ukraine surrogacy provides obligatory biological relationship at least with one of parents. This rule, according to the Attorney-General of Ukraine BioTexCom clinic neglected and there is a suspicion that about one thousand families could suffer from its criminal activity. One of such cases was revealed by the Italian law enforcement authorities when it became clear that the Italian married couple, having used services of BioTexCom in 2011 is not biological parents of the child. Documents were forged as the carried-out expertize showed. At the moment the Italian married couple is in Italy under arrest.

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The American scientists conducted survey among patients of reproductive clinics of the USA and Israel.
Women asked to fill out the questionnaire where among other there were questions of their marital status and the reasons for which they were solved on freezing of ova.

It was established that 85% of participants of poll were lonely and other were in the unstable relations, including with men not interested to have children. Women, freezing ova, wanted to keep the ability to conceive in the future — before appearance of the suitable partner or because their partners work abroad. Some women froze ova because did not exclude for themselves an opportunity to become single mothers.

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Brussels University ULB begins a new research concerning surrogacy of gays fathers. Professor Salavatore D’Amore and his researchers look for suitable participants. If you know gay fathers with child (children) were born born with the help of surrogacy (in your organizations) or you are such father, follow the link below. And also, please, spread this request or publish the following link on social networks.

All details and a link here:

Infertility is in most cases a basic reason why do people address for the help of surrogate mothers. We often heard stories with the beautiful final from biological parents, the staff of the surrogacy centers, reproductive clinics etc, but we know a little about another side of this coin where there is a fraud, blackmail, deception and simply unfair relations. In this article we would like to shed a little light on a dark side and to share with readers as the real stories which happened with surrogate mothers and intended parents and to show methods of “work” of some unfair participants of the market. Unfortunately, reproductive clinics and the surrogacy centers in a pursuit of big profit do not care for security and guarantees for surrogate mothers and intended parents at all. In the justification they complain about imperfection of the legislation, corruption etc, explaining the passivity in a creative part of the solution of these problems. Also it is necessary to tell that there are many centers of surrogacy which could be categorized to fraud. We simply have not heard about many cases of deception by the surrogacy centers, surrogate mothers only for the reason that surrogate mothers do not know where and whom they should address in case of deception, also there are cases when surrogate mothers are intimidated by any threats in order they not to make public the deception facts. We sincerely hope that people who faced similar cases will not be silent and we guarantee to all who is ready to share with us “experience” — to make public via Internet media.

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The American Society of auxiliary reproductive technologies (SART) published data on IVF statistics in the country.

In 2016, in 377 reproductive clinics that are members of SART, 252,618 in vitro fertilization cycles were performed, resulting 71,296 children were born.

The number of IVF cycles in which only one embryo is transferred s has grown significantly, (eSET — elective single embryos transfer), on all age groups: from 34.5% in 2015 up to 42.2% in 2016.

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Wherever you go, go with all your heart