

Embryo transfer is a simple, painless procedure that based on placing an embryo or embryos (maximum 3 pcs.) in the mother’s uterus (surrogate mother). Very often, embryo transfer is carried out with an almost full bladder. This is necessary for more accurate control of the process by ultrasound.
IVF procedures are accompanied by hormone therapy, which can cause signs of pregnancy, even if the pregnancy might not even happen.

  • Vaginal discharge: usually appears in the first days after embryo transfer due to hormonal background and progesterone. These may be fragments of the endometrium or dark brown color blood clots.
  • Tender Breasts: Patients often notice that the breast becomes a little larger than usual. Besides, there may be tickling sensations around the nipples and areolas become darker.
  • Fatigue: this is due to an increase of the hormone progesterone level. In natural pregnancy, the concentration of this hormone in the body gradually increases. Progesterone helps to be fixed to ovum in the uterus, serves increase in the size of it. Thus, patients to whom carried out transfer of embryos after IVF or ICSI have to accept in addition progesterone for maintenance of normal process of pregnancy at the beginning.
  • Nausea: due to growth of the hormones level occurring in the woman’s organism. Nausea is a typical symptom of pregnancy, although not each woman feels it.
  • Frequent urination: due to HCG hormone. Many women stimulate development of HCG with special drugs after embryos transfer to support pregnancy in case of its emergence. Thus, this constant desire to urination can be to cause both real pregnancy and drugs which are stimulating HCG.
  • Missed Period: Your menstrual cycle will be shown approximately in 14 days after embryos transfer.

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