
IVF in Israel

At the international ESHRE conference in Barcelona (Spain) data according to which Israel takes the first place by the number of the babies who were born as a result of extracorporal (artificial) fertilization in the ratio to the number of the population were provided.
4.3% of all babies in the country are born in the result of IVF procedure.
On average in Israel 30,000 procedures of extracorporal fertilization therefore about 7000 babies are born annually. During 2000-2013 about 60,000 babies “from a test tube” were born.
Israel also takes the first place by the number of the medical institutions which are carrying out the procedure of extracorporal fertilization, per capita — today there are 27 in the country at population of 8.6 million people. The Jewish state also only country in the world which completely finances IVF procedure to parents who have less than two babies.


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