
July 25 World Embryologists Day

On July 25, 1978 Louise Brown — the first baby in the world conceived by IVF method was born.
Since then on July 25 the World Embryologist Day is celebrated.
The first successful IVF was made by scientists from Great Britain — Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptou. In Russia the first baby who conceived by IVF was born on February 7, 1986.
In 1992 for the first time with success ICSI method was applied (a spermatozoid injection in oocyte cytoplasm).
During forty years of auxiliary reproductive technologies use more than eight million babies were born. Now in the world about two million cycles of IVF and IVF-ICSI annually are carried out. Every year ART methods become more and more perfect. The efficiency of IVF in the leading clinics of a reproduction is over 60%.

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