
In the USA began more often transfer one embryo in IVF cycle

The American Society of auxiliary reproductive technologies (SART) published data on IVF statistics in the country.

In 2016, in 377 reproductive clinics that are members of SART, 252,618 in vitro fertilization cycles were performed, resulting 71,296 children were born.

The number of IVF cycles in which only one embryo is transferred s has grown significantly, (eSET — elective single embryos transfer), on all age groups: from 34.5% in 2015 up to 42.2% in 2016.

Respectively, also the number of multiple childbirth after IVF decreased: in 2016 as a result of IVF in 84% one baby is born in 15.6% — twins and in 0.4% — triplets. In 2015 twins among the total number of babies were 19.1%.

Experts of SART note importance of age of the patient for IVF program success: women aged till 35 the efficiency of the program with own ova was 53.9%, and women elder than 42— only 3.9%.

Using donor oocytes, there was no dependence of IVF on the age of the recipients: the chance for successful conception and pregnancy was about 50% with fresh donor ova and 38% with frozen donor oocytes.

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