Such information was published by the British Management concerning fertilization and embryology of the person (HFEA).
From 1991 to 2015 17 donors of sperm became fathers not less than 30 children. From 20 to 29 children were born in 104 donors, and from 10 to 19 children were born in1557. More than 6000 donors became fathers of nine children.
According to HFEA rules, donors have no right to give genetic material in mor than ten families (who can use sperm of one donor repeatedly). However there is always a chance that descendants of one donor will decide to start a family, without knowing about the relationship. Experts are afraid that it will increase risk of defective genes transfer.
Donors are checked for such dangerous diseases as hepatitis B and C, HIV, Huntington disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, cystous fibrosis. However screening on existence of the genes increasing risk of development of certain malignant new growths or Alzheimer’s disease is not carried out.
Experts recommend to carry out without fail for donors of genetic material expanded screening on existence of dangerous pathologies. However other specialists opposed them that serious toughening of rules of donors selection can lead to the shortage of donor material.