Dutch scientists have been able to obtain a viable embryo from stem cells.
Researchers from Maastricht University managed to make the real break: in laboratory the embryo from stem cells without use of ova and spermatozoa was created.
Scientists used the embryonic stem cells of two types taken from laboratory rodents. As a result of their connection embryos by age about three days developments were gained.
Researchers say that completely viable embryo they will be able to get approximately in three years of work. Scientists assume that their development will help with treatment of infertility and will allow to establish the reasons of implantation lack of embryos in uterus. Also discovery of Dutch specialists can be used at tests of new medical drugs.
However a number of scientists express fears about discoveries of Dutches. They believe that creation of a set of artificial embryos will bring to emergence of clones that is unacceptable for ethical reasons in future.