
Ukrainian surrogate mothers lowered the price

Services of the Ukrainian surrogate mothers had become cheaper. If before women asked not less than 500000 UAH, then now — 200000 UAH (about $9000). The earned money the women spend for purchase of apartments and on study.

Announcements of surrogacy became so popular that now they are published in work sections. Most of women write that they already repeatedly participated “in the program of surrogacy”. In the conditions of the big competition they offer themselves on the Internet with photos of children confirming that they have beautiful progeny. Most of temporary mothers (so they call themselves in announcements) are female residents of the Vinnytsia, Kirovohrad, Poltava and also Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The cost of their services — from 200000 UAH ($8000)

“I am mother of four children, 35, with brown eyes, brunette, I work in kindergarten. I will agree to surrogate mother only in Ukraine” — Inna from Vinnytsia region writes.

And 21-year-old Vera from the Bliznyuki village of the Kharkiv region raises money for the apartment. “I am healthy, decent and honest. Grew in the village. Decided to become surrogate mother because I want to buy the apartment for my daughters, one is two years, another is seven months” — Vera writes.

Such announcements can be met even on the websites on job search now.

What is interesting, the small fee is offered surrogate mothers and in uncontrollable territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Local clinics are ready to pay them about 340000 rubles (only 170000 UAH). And in announcements of the woman instead of traditional “I want to help to find motherhood”, honestly admit that money is necessary. So, 18-year-old Veronika from Donetsk writes that there are no addictions, her height of 153 cm, and weight — 50 kg and is not married. “It would be desirable to become a surrogate mother to earn money for continuation of studying in Academy” — the girl wrote and posted a photo from final. And 18 years old Ksenia from Donetsk who already has two children — three and one and a half years is ready to become a mother too. “It would be desirable to become a surrogate mother to earn money for the children and to help family!” she explains.

Under the guise of clients we called 38-year-old Oksana from the Kirovohrad region. “I played sports, handball so I am health and strong, a pelvis is wide. Earlier worked as the cashier at the enterprise. But as went on maternity leave, since then found myself in surrogacy — Oksana tells about herself. — All children are healthy, at first I gave the birth to the girl, then to twin in Moscow. There are all references. We have the two-storied house,farm. The husband is aware. I take $13000 for the services. It is such price in the market. And by search pay attention that mummies should not have small children, they will carry them on hands, and it is big threat. And with Caesarian do not take, the fetus can implant on a scar” —surrogate mother advised us.

In private clinics which specialize in surrogacy, say that their main clients are parents from China, Israel and Spain.

According to the head of department of strategic marketing of the Medical center “Mother and Child” Denis Vasilyev, in Ukraine services of surrogacy are cheaper, and preparation takes less time, than, for example, in the United States. “In the USA, for example, surrogate mother is trained by about five years. And time goes. Many couples address when to them already for 40, for 50” — Vasilyev says.

And here the lawyer Ivan Liberman says that services of surrogate mothers seriously fell in price recently. “If in 2013 surrogate mothers asked the fee in $30000, then now $13–16000 to them are enough. On this money in the village and the regional town it is possible to buy also the house, also will be enough for the children. People want to survive and even if their fee will make only $5000, they also will go to it because they have no other opportunity to earn” — Liberman considers.

Many announcements for surrogate mothers are published on the regional websites. For example, we found advertising of one clinics in Odessa region. In the announcement it is specified that 350000 UAH are ready to pay. From conditions — age of 20-39 years, lack of addictions and faultless health. By phone after the first minutes of a conversation and specification — whether there are children and as there took place childbirth, we were suggested to arrive and make tests.

“The clinic is in Kiev, come to us on an empty stomach to 12, make tests. All at the expense of clinic, the road we pay too. If everything is good, then there will be still a shot and when pregnancy is confirmed, then we begin to pay every month €400, on the sixth month genetic parents will transfer €6000 into your account, after that you should move to Kiev. We rent to you apartment with comfortable conditions and the Internet, food is paid too. You will give birth in maternity hospital with the best conditions. Then you write refusal, after it you receive €3600. And in three months there will be an acquaintance to parents, they come to a meeting with the translator.” — the manager of clinic Ksenia advertizes services.

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