

The first Russian clinic NGC will open on January 21, 2018 in Beijing. “The new Beijing Company of health care” hopes that collaboration of St. Petersburg center of reproductive technologies and Hong Kong specialists will be successful.

Reportedly, “The new Beijing company of health care” hopes that high-quality medical care will appear in eight economic zones: the NGC branch in Shenzhen will give support before provision of services in process and later. In a northern part of China the first office of clinic will appear in January, 2018 in Beijing, in other regions the centers of reproductive technologies have to open within two years. These actions contribute to the development and optimization of the industry will bring closer the level of medical care in China to the international standards and will allow to provide clients the high-quality, transparent and standardized services.

According to the director of NGC in Russia, China not for nothing asked Russia for the help in development of reproductive technologies because the Russian legislation in this sphere is developed, reasonable prices; Russia has wide experience in the sphere of artificial fertilization; development of reproductive technologies is actively encouraged with the state; in the country there are a lot of doctors specializing in freezing of an ovum and also a large number of substitute mothers.

According to incomplete statistical data, the number of the patients in China having infertility reached to 60 million. After China refused policy “One family — one child”, it was found out that in the country the share of the elderly population begins to prevail, and same-sex marriages become more popular therefore our reproductive technologies and resources are necessary for China.

According to the head of the Shenzhen Qingdao company, because of restrictive policy within the country, implementation of China to auxiliary reproductive technologies will be very difficult. In this regard, annually more and more patients go to the Russian centers of artificial fertilization. “The new Beijing Company of health care” was created for the purpose of effective merge of the Chinese and Russian resources and also to eliminate contradictions in legislations of our countries.

The director of the Russian clinic NGC says that earlier many patients from China came to the Russian centers of a reproduction. However, because of cultural, religious, language and national distinctions, often happened misunderstanding and it was impossible to render top-level necessary service. Now we open the branch in China and thus we solve this problem. Subsequently we hope to open the independent center of reproductive technologies in China, it is necessary to establish only connection.

It is known that in Russia there is the whole network of clinics of the international NGC level which provides the help to the people from around the world having infertility. The network of clinics was founded by the specialist in reproductive technologies Valery Nikolaevich Kornilov. Clinics have the international accreditation.

Now, in addition to branches in Beijing and Shenzhen, the centers of reproductive technologies will also open in Shanghai, Shenyang, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xian, Urumqi and in other large cities of China to help a large number of people, who have infertility.

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