Such data are provided by the Russian Association of Human Reproduction (RAHR). At the same time it is noted that surrogacy is available yet not to all as this service costs much and that it is necessary to state in more detail in the legislation of the right and duty of parents and surrogate mother.
According to the report of the organization for 2015, doctors for the reporting period delivered in 41% more babies the women who became surrogate mothers than for the corresponding reporting period of the report of 2014. In 2015 712 pregnancies and 508 childbirth are recorded (on term of 22 weeks). Data on children who were born on very early terms are separately provided in the document. In RAHR explained that created the report for 2015 only by September of the 2017.
“By October, 2016 it became known how the cycles ended which begun in 2015. After that we till March, 2017 rang round patients and collected information, processed it and in September made the report” — explained in RAHR. In organization was added that in some countries similar reports make up to three years.
“Surrogacy first of all resolves issues of non-standard couples who are above reproductive age. Also it helps women who have insuperable problems with health, and earlier the medicine could not help them. –
– Of course, couple decides on surrogacy when everything was tried. It is the last opportunity to have the child” — the CEO of the Russian association “Population and Development”, the obstetrician-gynecologist Lyubov Erofeyeva says. She emphasizes that absolutely normal, healthy children are born from surrogate mothers.
According to the international expert in reproductive health in the territory of the Russian Federation, the obstetrician-gynecologist Boris Lordkipanidze, one more reason for which the popularity of surrogacy grows increase in number of the women incapable began to take out and give birth independently to the child: “The reproductive age was entered by generation of the 90th. It is the period when the state left everything on drift, social services did not work, the school ceased to perform educational function. During this period there was an activation of illegitimate sexual bonds that caused growth of sexually transmitted infections which against the background of inadequate work of health services and low negotiability of doctors became chronic”.
Despite the growing demand for surrogacy, this service is still poorly available. Now remuneration to the woman who agreed to carry the baby is from 600 thousand to 1.2 million rubles (depending on the region).
And it without the cost of full inspection of parents and surrogate mother, carrying out IVF, ensuring accommodation, food, childbirth and stay in clinic after birth of the child. According to the prices in the market, as a result parents should pay not less than 1.5 million rubles.
According to the federal law “About Bases of Protection of Public Health” and the Family code, in Russia the woman aged from 20 up to 35 years, having not less than one healthy own child and received the medical certificate about satisfactory condition of health can carry and give birth to a baby. If she is married, then the written consent of the spouse is required. At the same time surrogate mother cannot be at the same time the donor of an ovum. In spite of the fact that the woman with whom signed the contract is not biological mother, after the child’s birth “customers” cannot be written down as parents until she agreed on this consent.
And though surrogacy in the country is not forbidden, the separate law which in detail would describe legal relationship of surrogate mother and genetic parents, and, above all — would consider all interests of the born child, is not adopted yet.
According to the member of public council at the Russian Ministry of Health, professor Alexey Starchenko, the document is not appeared because in society still there was no uniform relation to such way of a solution of the infertility problem. At the same time the expert claims that today, signing the contract, all parties of the agreement have a risk.