
Surrogacy in Belarus. Reasons, nuances, taboo

12 years ago childless Belarusian couples could not expect that their child will carried out by other woman. In this country surrogacy was under a ban. Today the similar service became a norm.

An opportunity to sign such contracts appeared in Belarus in 2006 about marriage and family included separate article about surrogacy in the Code of Republic of Belarus. However families decided to take such step not at once. The first contract was signed only two years later. Now on average I certify two contracts a month — the notary of the Minsk city notarial district Valentina Strekh brought up to date.

Remuneration plus benefit

As a rule, on in details to register all nuances, several hours leave. Surely specify the organization where IVF, quantity of embryos which sit down and also the rights and duties of surrogate mother is carried out in the contract.

As a rule, it takes several hours to prescribe in detail all the nuances. The contract must indicate the organization where IVF is performed, the number of embryos that are transferred, as well as the rights and obligations of the surrogate mother. She cannot be the donor of an ovum, has to carry out all instructions of the attending physician, provide information about her and child’s health.

The amount of remuneration which is paid to surrogate mother is from 11,000 to 15,000 dollars. If twin is born the cost of service increases by 2-3 thousand — Valentina Strekh said. — Money is transferred right after childbirth.

The other party bears the cost of accommodation, meals, all paid medical procedures during the period of carrying the child, giving birth, and also within a month after it. For these purposes a certain monthly benefit is provided. Biological parents compensate the surrogate mother and the cost of purchasing clothes for pregnant women by showing of a check. In a separate paragraph specifies the place of residence in the period of carrying a child. Many people are afraid of oblique views, they don’t want their relatives, neighbors, colleagues to know about the situation, so at a certain stage genetic parents rent an apartment for a surrogate mother, usually in another city.

Taboo on sex, alcohol and cigarettes

If a single Belarusian can become a genetic mother, then only a married woman with at least one child can become a surrogate mother. Age from 20 to 35 years. A woman who is carrying a baby should not have any medical contraindications. In addition, there are other, rather stringent requirements: she has never been deprived of legal capacity, as well as parental rights, not suspended from the duties of a guardian, not condemned for committing a grave or especially grave crime. She cannot be a suspect or accused in a criminal case. In a word, she has to have the crystal-clear biography.

In addition to the mandatory conditions, there are also additional requirements, – said Valentina Streh. – The most common: a pregnant woman should not smoke, drink alcohol. There is a fine if conditions are not met. The fine is from 400 to 1,000 dollars. Also for 9 months a surrogate mother is forbidden to have sex. Future parents are afraid that she will catch a sexually transmitted disease. In case of violation of this taboo, a woman is deprived of remuneration for the service; she can only be content with a monthly benefit. A punishment for intentional miscarriage is provided.

It is curious that additional points in the contract are stipulated mainly by biological parents. The only requirement on which the woman bearing the child asks is to give birth in the natural way. If it is impossible to avoid Cesarean section after all, maternity are paid in addition 1-2 thousand dollars.

Tough decision

Most surrogate mothers are from the Gomel region. There is about 20 % of Minsk women reported in one of the agencies that are engaged in the selection of candidates. What motivates do women have to carry someone else’s child? The reasons are different. In 95% of cases, the money needed to get their own housing. In the capital, real estate prices are significantly higher, so the money paid is only enough for the down payment. In suborn the situation is different. “I immediately bought a one-room apartment,” said Elena, one of the surrogate mothers. – Rewards just enough. My husband and I tried to save the necessary amount, but the salaries were small, and we understood that we could not buy an apartment until old age. ”

There are women who are not officially divorced, but have not lived with their spouse for a long time. They see surrogate motherhood as a way to support themselves and their children. In one of the agencies they remembered that among the clients were two sisters who went to this step in order to raise funds for the operation for the mother.

For 4 years, only one woman has terminated the contract: she said that she could not later give her child to her genetic parents. Mostly come consciously, without hesitation and confusion.

Sometimes it even seems that men are experiencing more women,” the staff of one of the agencies shared their observations. – If the wife is forced to provide such a service, it means that the husband is unable to provide the family with the necessary level of wealth. It deals a big blow to the ego.

“They were thinking for a long time, almost a year,” Elena confessed. – The most difficult was the period when the child began to move. I got used to the idea that after giving birth I would not see him. You understand that he is not own, that you simply carry like an incubator, but when during 9 months baby is one with you, it is difficult to abstract any way”

Russians are the main customers

According to forecasts of specialists from surrogate mothers’ selection agencies, the number of such contracts will increase every year. Childless couples become more. Today, genetic parents who have used the services of surrogate mothers, as a rule, are people who have crossed the 35-year-old frontier. They tried all the options and despaired of getting a child by themselves. Among them 80% are Russians, 20% are Belarusians. The interest of the neighbors to the service is quite understandable. First is the cost. We have it significantly lower. Secondly is a sense of security. The fact is that in Russia, genetic parents register a newborn only with the consent of the surrogate mother. Accordingly, there is a risk that after giving birth a woman will decide to keep

In Belarus this scenario is unrealistic. Our legislation clearly defines that during childbirth surrogacy motherhood contract is presented and on the basis of this document genetic parents are indicated in the certificate, – Valentina Streh clarified. – There is only one exception: if a surrogate mother on the basis of DNA analysis proves that the child was not born as a result of IVF and was conceived naturally.

In the practice of Valentina Streh, there was a case when the future parents wanted to put down in the contract that they would take only the healthy child. If the child is born with pathology, they will leave him a surrogate mother.

“To be honest, I was somewhat shocked by this approach,” the notary noted. “On the one hand, people dream of a child, and on the other, they want 100 percent guarantees and make reservations.” They do not realize that in any case it is their baby. The surrogate mother only provided them with the service of carrying a child. And biological father and mother are obliged to take it in any case. There is no other option.

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